Designs |
LuminexLabs |
A responsive, mockup website design featuring six total pages, which includes a contact page with a form that interacts with an AWS DynamoDB database to save messages. The form has various safeguards to prevent abuse, such as rate limiters and a captcha. Node.js with Express are the core back-end technologies, leveraging RESTful APIs for routing, data management, and other interactions. Other technologies utilized during development include CSS preprocessors (i.e. SCSS/SASS, LESS) and EJS. All production CSS/JS files are compressed and/or scrambled for optimal load speeds. |
Sunnyside |
A responsive, single-page, progressive web application (PWA) developed using React.js and Node.js with Express. The application leverages RESTful APIs for routing, data management, and other interactions. No databases are utilized, all entries are managed in-memory within a user's local session. |
Checks |
Work in progress. |
Misc. |
ASCII Generator |
A web application which converts input text into a series of user-defined ASCII characters. Various options to alter final output results are available, including font, colour and spacing characteristics. |
ASCII Dungeon |
Work in progress. |